
New Zealand gifts & souvenirs

New Zealand gifts & souvenirs from our our talented Kiwi artists. Made in New Zealand. Original, colourful, bold and beautiful.

Here a selection:

NEW: Getting Lost card games

Getting Lost is a card game designed to get you, well, lost! Grab your pack, shuffle the cards and follow the directions. We have no idea where you’ll end up, and neither do you. The cards use landmarks and features found all around the world so you can play our games where ever you are. Perfect for screen free, wholesome fun this Summer (or Winter). It’s about time you got lost!


Yes, iNZspired is one of our most funkiest suppliers. Their original and innovative NZ gifts are all designed and produced in New Zealand. Pretty cool selection of funky New Zealand gifts.


Cool driftwood wall hangers with NZ native birds and paua shell. Rustic gifts with a touch of kiwiana. New Zealand made!

Ian Blackwell

Another beautiful selection and variety of gifts. Jewellery boxes, gift boxes, cuff links, photo holders and even bird shelves!

Aeon Giftware – authentic Maori gifts

The team at Aeon Giftware create beautiful gifts with distinct Maori designs.  Stunning artworks, framed carvings, waka to name a few… Maori gifts that will be treasured.

Manawa Honey

Manawa means ‘heart’… Our honey artisans are Tuhoe, ‘children of the mist’. Artisan producers of Honeys of the Te Urewera, a vast remote untouched forest region lying in Te Manawa-o-te-Ika-a-Maui (the hart of Maui’s fish).

To sweeten you up… Beautiful gift packs with honey.


Good selection of NZ made jewellery. Check it out!
Pounamu, greenstone pendants, glass pendants, acrylic pendants…

Kiwi soft toys

Cute and cuter. Buy yourself a cool kiwi soft toy or hand puppet.


New Zealand is a beautiful country. I’ve taken thousands of photos over the years. I love Rangitoto Island a lot and love featuring some of my photos on our site.

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